Y’s story (5 years old)

When he was 1 year old he ate dessert with nuts I didn’t know what anaphylaxis is so I was shocked. I knew something was wrong because of what he ate. I searched the internet and found about food allergies & epipens. When he was about 2 years old he was diagnosed with tree-nuts allergy by the only allergist in Bahrain.
When he was 4 years old I registered him in a learning center that accepts special cases. They promised they can take care of him, but he had a severe anaphylaxis & they didn’t even call me or his allergist and didn’t epi him!
He is now in an international preschool that is really expensive, but it is the only safe place for him to learn and have friends. They know how serious food allergies can be.

We used FARE (foodallergy.org) and red sneakers for Okley.
My native language is Arabic, but there are only little information about food allergies in Arabic. That is why I created my instagram account to share the information in Arabic & spread awareness.