Lauren Reynolds (18+ years old)

I have always had stomach issues from birth. I was a colicky baby and later was diagnosed with IBS. There were times off and on while I was growing up that we noticed if I ate a lot of dairy it would upset my stomach so we tried to limit it. In 2017 I had my gallbladder removed as I got sick every time that I ate. After surgery I couldn’t eat ice cream or drink regular milk anymore at all without getting sick. Fast forward to about a year ago when it seemed I would get sicker more often when eating dairy. My doctor recommended that I try an elimination diet and stop eating all dairy. It’s been quite the challenge when eating out and learning to watch labels for hidden dairy.

I google all foods to check for dairy. I watch the menus at restaurants and have to ask a lot of questions to make accommodations. I try to keep it simple right now with just protein, fruit and vegetables. I have found a-lot of dairy free items such as cheese, sour cream, almond milk, oat milk, etc. that makes it easier. I’m still learning and it can be really frustrating to want to eat things I used to love and not be able to until we can find a non dairy solution.