Jaime (@triofudge – 6/4 years old)

When my son was 10 months old he had an anaphylactic reaction to peanut butter. I didn’t know it at the time because that was our introduction into food allergies! Since then we have added some allergens to the list of ones we manage. Between our two children (ages 6 and 4) we manage: peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, egg, shellfish and banana. Peanuts, shellfish, egg, and banana were confirmed from having reactions, and then with annual follow-up skin and blood tests at our allergist’s office. Sesame and tree nuts are confirmed through testing only. Both children are currently undergoing SLIT treatment (SubLingual ImmoTherapy) at Allergenuity in North Carolina. We are hoping SLIT will protect against cross contact and hopefully lead to more free eating.

We use information from FARE to educate ourselves, family members, care takers, and school staff members on food allergies in general, how to recognize symptoms and reactions, how to administer epinephrine, and how to create an Emergency Action Plan that fits our family’s needs. We have used information from FAACT to develop 504 plans for public school.