Harper (@anaphylactic_kid – 3 years old)

From the moment we started introducing foods to Harper at 6 months old we had problems itchy hives rashes etc. She is our only child so we didn’t know what it was. Even thought it must be normal for babies when they eat certain foods. We got to see an allergist who tested her for eggs and sent us home with Epipens, recommended watching YouTube videos to learn how to use them. 2 years (and lots of hospital visitors for testing, anaphylaxis and check ups) go by and having hot rock bottom after witnessing a very serious anaphylactic shock that nearly took my beloved baby from us. We joined Instagram as a way to connect with others like us and find support… boy did we find support love friends and the answer to our prayers @socalfoodallergy provide a treatment for food allergies like Harper’s and she’s now half way through treatment and should be at complete food freedom by the time she starts school. None of this would have been possible without the amazing people who found us via Instagram. Forever grateful that we get to share our journey with you all.

I reached out to a Facebook moms group who informed me it wasn’t normal and to book to see my GP. I attended zoom meeting ups with other moms of kids with allergies and that’s were I first heard about @socalfoodallergy later on @natashasfoundation contacted me to feature our story on their page. And another mum who was doing to TIP program reached out to me to tel me about this life changing treatment. Our lives have changed so much and the best is yet to come.