Abby (18+ years old)

There were many food allergies and they progressed over time. It began with just peanuts (discovered at 2 years of age after eating peanut butter cup) and soybeans (discovered after consuming veggie burger).
Later on, around 7 years of age, pistachios, cashews,(age 17) pomegranate, (age 10) cantaloupe (13), mangos,(13) mushrooms(18) and paprika (20).
None of these food allergies were overcome, but the allergic reaction was controlled after either a combination of Benadryl and water, or in other extreme cases Epinephrine from an Epipen and Benadryl at the ER.
When the item was cooked and became airborne, difficulty breathing and throat closing happened. Upon consumption of the allergy, throat closing, nausea, and vomiting happened.

No websites were used, just trial and error upon consumption as well as healthcare professional mother who recognized the signs of severe allergies.